Uses Of Present Continuous Tense

There are twelve tenses in English. In this  lesson, we are going to learn about Uses Of Present Continuous Tense.

Definition Of Present Continuous Tense.

Uses Of Present Continuous Tense will be divided into two types.

01. Present continuous tense is used to talk about an action is happening now.

02.Present continuous tense is used to talk about an action that is going to happen in the future.

Now let’s look at the sentence structure of Present Continuous Tense.

S + am/is/are + ing verb

The “ING” verb is written with “ING” added to the base verb(BV1)

I – am

He – is
She – is
It – is
Singular noun – is ( Teacher is)

We – are
You – are
They – are
Plural noun – are ( Teachers are)

Key words of Present Continuous Tense.

  • Now
  • At the Moment


Now let’s look at some examples.

I am eating now.
He is playing at the moment.
We are going to school.
They are building a house.
My sister is studying now.
Her friends are coming to library.
He is talking with his mother
She is singing a beautiful song.
It is flying in the sky.

We can see many more examples like this. The Present Continuous Tense is written with the subject , am/ is/ are and “ing” form of verb.

Note that if there is a tense with continuous, the “ing” verb only can be used.

That is, present continuous tense is the tense used in English to express an action that we are doing right now.

Present continuous tense is used to talk about future action also. we can also use the present continuous tense to indicate an action that we will do in the future.

While using this, we have to use some important keywords related to the future.

Key words

The day after tomorrow
After three days
Next week
Next month
Next year
After four days
After four weeks
After four months
After four years
In the future

Above we have given some key words which can be mainly used to indicate the future in present continuous tense.

Let’s see this through some examples.

We are going to London by next week.
I am playing tennis tomorrow.
He is coming next year from America.
They are gathering after two months.

Short Forms.

I am – I’m
He is – he’s
She is – she’s
It is :- it’s
They are – they’re
We are – we’re
You are – you’re

Example with Shot form.

I’m cooking rice and curry.
He’s praying five times a day.
She’s teaching her students.
It’s building a nest.
We’re running race.
They’re fighting among them.
You’re writing your homework.

We have seen some examples above using short form.

The auxiliary verbs am, is, are indicate the present tense.

So, in English language, present continuous tense is a very important tense.
I have given you a small introduction about the uses of this tense as well as I have given you a small introduction about the helping verb of this tense and the main verb of this tense.

Question sentence / Interrogative sentence of present continuous tense.

If you want to change into an interrogative sentence, the helping verb is in the sentence, that should be written before the subject of the sentence.

Ex:- You are going to school.
Question:- Are you going to school?

Based on the above example, “You” is the subject and “are” is the helping verb, so we should write the helping verb before the subject and turn the sentence into a question. For these , we will see some more examples.

He is playing cricket.
Is he playing cricket?

They are watching movie.
Are they watching movie?

She is writing a poem.
Is she writing a poem?

It is flying in the sky.
Is it flying in the sky?

My friend is working at night.
Is my friend working at night?

Our sisters are arranging their rooms.
Are our sister arranging their rooms?

Workers are working in the evening.
Are workers working in the evening?

Negative of present continuous tense.

We have already learned that to convert a sentence into a negative sentence, we have to add a word “not” with the helping verb is in that sentence. Based on that, we will convert the following words into negative sentences.

He is playing cricket.
He is not playing cricket.

They are watching movie.
They are not watching movie.

She is writing a poem.
she is not writing a poem.

It is flying in the sky.
It is not flying in the sky.

My friend is working.
My friend is not working.

Our sisters are arranging their rooms.
Our sisters are not arranging their rooms.

Workers are working in the evening.
Workers are not working in the evening.

So, we remind you again that to convert a sentence into negative sentence we need to add “not” with helping verb is in that sentence.

Interrogative of negative sentences.

He is not playing cricket.
Is he not playing cricket?

They are not watching movie.
Are they not watching movie?

She is not writing a poem.
Is she not writing a poem?

It is not flying in the sky.
Is it not flying in the sky?

My friend is not working.
Is my not friend working?

Our sisters are not arranging their rooms.
Are our sisters not arranging their rooms?

Workers are not working in the evening.
Are workers not working in the evening?

To convert a negative sentence into an interrogative sentence, we need to write both the “helping verb” and “not” is in the sentence should be written before the subject.

When a negative sentence is with short form like this “aren’t” , ” isn’t ” it should be written before the subject.

Short Forms

I am – I’m

He is – He’s
She is – She’s
It is – It’s

We are – we’re
They are – They’re
You are – You’re

Is not – Isn’t
Are not – Aren’t

So, we have given you a complete explanation regarding Uses Of Present Continuous Tenses. If you have any further doubts please comment us in the comment box and ask and get clarification.

As well as in the previous post, we have given complete explanations regarding the Simple Present Tense, so we hope that the posts we are posting will be very useful for you, so please pray for us to continue our efforts.

An introduction to the English Language

General Knowledge

Uses Of Present Continuous Tense

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