Uses Of Simple Present Tense

Generally , There are twelve tenses in English. In this lesson we are going to learn about uses simple present tense in English.

Definition of simple present tense (Uses Of Simple Present Tense In English)

Commonly , Under the title of Uses Of Simple Present Tense In English ,the simple present tense is used to talk about routine activities , facts and States that are permanent and true.

Ex:- The sun rises in the east.

The sun sets in the west.

Sentence pattern of simple present tense (Uses Of Simple Present Tense In English)


Under the title of Uses Of Simple Present Tense In English ,

subject +  Base Verb

Generally, we are going to divide the type of base verb into two types those are BV1 and BV2.

Now let’s discuss how to make VB2

But , If a verb ends these letters,( S,SH,CH,X,O)
we should add “ES” to make BV2.

BV1.           BV2

Guess.      Guesses
Wash.        Washes
Catch.       Catches
Fix.             Fixes
Go.             Goes

But when there is  a verb ends “Y” we should notice this rule.

Although, there is a vowel before the letter “y” add only “s” to make BV2.

BV1.        BV2

Play.       Plays
Pray.      Prays

But when there is no vowel in front of the letter “Y” It means if consonant finds before “Y” we need to add “IES” to make BV2.
(Before adding “IES” we should remove “Y”)

BV1.      BV2

Cry.       Cries
Fly.        Flies

Generally, when a verb ends in other letters except above two conditions , we need to add only “S” to make BV2.

BV1.           BV2

Write.     Writes
Sleep.      Sleeps
Put.          Puts
Call.         Calls

Here, we have divided the Base verbs into two types.

Here, when the subject is plural, we should use BV1.

when the subject is singular, we should use BV2.

Here, “I” is the exception and we have to use “BV1” even though is singular.

Now let’s look at some examples of Simple present tense.

Ex:- I go.

Here, even though “I” is singular we have to use BV1.

We go.
They go
You go.
My friends go.

He goes.
She goes.
It goes.
My friend goes.

Key words of Simple Present Tense (Uses Of Simple Present Tense In English)

Every week
Every month
Every year

Twice a day
Twice a week
Twice a month
Twice a year

Thrice a day
Thrice a week
Thrice a month
Thrice a year

Four times a day
Four times a week
Four times a month
Four times a year

This will continue like it.

These words are only used at the end of a sentence in the Simple Present Tense.

Let us see some examples of these.

I go shopping everyday.
They go shopping every week.
We go shopping every month.
You go shopping every year.
He goes shopping four times a month.
She goes shopping thrice a month.

Above, the examples are shown. But ,we need to note that the BV2 is with singular subject and BV1 is with singular subject.This is the most important things in simple present tense.

Adverbs Of Frequency

Hardly ever

Thus, some words are found which we call adverbs of frequency .

But these types of words are used between the subject and the verb in a sentence of Simple present tense.

Let us see some more examples of these.

I usually study at home.
We never play cricket.
They always eat chicken.
He sometimes comes to school.
She rarely cooks rice and curry.

Thus, we can see many examples.

In English, if we take a sentence, that sentences are Positive sentences, interrogative / Question sentences, negative sentences and interrogative of negative.

Interrogative Sentence/Question Sentences Of Simple Present Tense

Now let us see some examples of this.

On this basis, there are two auxiliary verbs / Helping verbs are  in the simple present, “Do” and “Does”.

In a positive sentence of simple present tense, auxiliary verbs are hidden.

In a sentence, auxiliary verbs are between the subject and the main verb of the sentence.

Ex:- I am eating.

Here ” I” is the subject.
“AM” is auxiliary verb.
“Eating” is the main verb.

Here, we give you all the auxiliary / helping verbs in English.

Am,is,are, was,were,will be

If we want to convert a sentence into a question/interrogative sentence, we have to write the helping verb before the subject of the sentence.

Ex:- Mala always goes to school by bus.

This is positive, we change this sentence into question.

BV1:- Do

Helping verb “Do” is used in a sentence where is BV1.

Helping verb “Does” is used in a sentence where is BV2.

EX:- You usually invite them for your birthday party.

Ex:- You usually invite them for your birthday party.

Question:- Do you usually invite them for your birthday party?

Let’s look at one more example.

Ex:- He usually invites them for his birthday party.

EX:-He usually invites them for his birthday party.

Question:-Does he usually invite them for his birthday party?

Negative Sentence Of Simple Present Tense

If we want to make a sentence of the simple present tense into negative sentence, we have to add the word “not” with its helping verb that appears in the sentence.

Ex:- You always invite them for your birthday party.

Based on the above example we know that this sentence is a positive sentence of simple present the helping verb is hidden in positive sentence of simple present sentence.

Ex:- You always invite them for your birthday party.

Negative:- you do not always invite them for your birthday party.

Ex:- He always invites them for his birthday party.

Negative:- He does not always invite them for his birthday party.

When the frequency of adverb is in a sentence, when we convert that sentence into negative form , we must use the words “do not” and “does not” between the subject and its frequency of adverb is in the sentence.

That is why in these two examples do not and does not are between the subject and frequency of adverbs of the sentence.

Here, when the verb is found as BV2 that verb should be changed to BV1. Here BV1 is its base verb.

Interrogative Of Negative Sentence Of Simple Present Tense

The Interrogative of Negative Sentence of simple present tense is converting the negative sentence into interrogative sentence.

Thus, it is very easy to change the interrogative of a negative sentence. we have to write  the words “do” and “does”  before the subject of should write the word “not” after the subject.

Ex:- You do not  invite them to your birthday party.

Interrogative of negative:-
Do you not invite them to your birthday party?

Ex:- He does not invite them to his birthday party

Interrogative of negative:-
Does he not  invite them to  his birthday party?

If you write “don’t”  and “doesn’t”  it must be written before the subject.

Ex:- He doesn’t invite them to his birthday party.
Doesn’t he invite them to his birthday party?

From the above two examples, you will know how to convert a negative sentence into an interrogative of negative sentence.

Short Forms

Do not :- Don’t
Does not :- Doesn’t

Ex:- you don’t always invite them for your birthday party.

Don’t you always invite them for your birthday party?

Ex:- He doesn’t always invite them for his birthday party.

Doesn’t he always invite them for his birthday party?

General Knowledge

An introduction to the English Language

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